Wednesday, August 10, 2011


by Michael Northrop

Grade: All right
Story: Four highschool guys: Micheal (sic), Tommy (the nice-ish one), Mixer (the clever one), and Bones (the dangerous one). Their teacher tries a new teaching method one day at school, and all of a sudden, there's murder, mayhem, and teenage boys being teenage boys. (Ok, that last one wasn't exactly all-of-a-sudden...)

Review: I didn't actually like this one much. It's simply not to my taste. The front cover describes it as "gritty". Now, I like gritty things, but ... I don't know. A slightly different kind of gritty. More like Rage gritty. This one--well, it's all about teenage guys. Teenage guys from kind of the bottom of the heap. Anyway, I skipped some parts, but I finished it.
But I still thought it was well done. Moody, accurate, fast-paced, and funny. Mostly. Except it's not quite my type of humour either. And I appreciated that it was not a cliched inspiring-teacher-helps-low-life-boys-with-unique-teaching-method story. I actually really like those stories, but slightly guiltily, and I appreciate it when it's done a bit differently.
BUT ISN'T THE COVER PRETTY? In fact, I must admit, I think I mostly finished it because of its cover. And it's title.

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