Friday, May 2, 2008

The Lives of Christopher Chant

by Diana Wynne Jones

Grade: Good

I decidedly like Diana Wynne Jones. The Lives of Christopher Chant fully lived up to my expectations.
The whole Goddess thing was cool. I didn't expect Millie to be like that as a child, though. I liked her way better than I liked Janet from Charmed Life.
I liked Tacroy a lot too.
I love awesome power displays, such as the part where he lifted the whole house after the silver was taken from him.

"And as his arms went up, he felt something come loose with them--come loose with a vengeance.
Everything in the room went upwards except Christopher, the mirror, the tiepin, the tooth-brace and the money. These slid to the floor as the table surged upwards, but were collected by the carpet which came billowing up after it. Christopher hastily stepped off the carpet and stood watching everything soar around him--all the clocks, several tables, chairs, rugs, pictures, vases, ornaments, and Dr. Pawson too. He and his armchair both went up, majestically, like a balloon, and bumped against the ceiling. The ceiling bellied upwards and the chandelier plastered itself sideways against it. From above came crashings, shrieks, and an immense airy grinding. Christopher could feel that the roof of the house had come off and was on its way to the sky, pursued by the attics. It was an incredible feeling."

All this for a simple levitation spell. Cool.

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