Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Convenient Marriage

by Georgette Heyer

Grade: All right

At least I finished it. And I did like Horry as a heroine. Lord Rule was a bit too much like most of her other heros, and she didn't pay enough attention to many of her side characters. She set them up nicely, but then didn't do a single thing with them. It was rather annoying.

All right, she did do stuff with Pel and Pom and Captain Heron. That was all rather amusing. But what about Rule's secretary? Or Miss Charlotte? Or even Miss Elizabeth? She married Heron and then went completely out of the picture.

I did really quite like Lord Lethbridge, however. An excellent villain. I especially loved the duel, and right after the duel. He was almost sympathetic, which is what I like best in villains.

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