Saturday, September 6, 2008

Black Jack

by Leon Garfield

Grade: Good

I actually didn't mind the romance in this one. I was amazed. I think I almost liked it because it was so unusual--the heroine was mad. As in actually mentally insane.

Second most likeable thing was the Black Jack--Tolly relationship. (I like how Tolly's name for himself for Black Jack stuck all the way through.) That's the kind of relationship that makes me adore books. If I liked Tolly a little bit more...and if I quite liked the Tolly--Belle stuff (instead of almost liking)...then this might have become a favourite.

Third: his writing style. Every once in a while, there would pop up this quirky, unexpected little phrase. I liked this one:

"Although she was firm and sometimes harsh, although she was apt to bully and shout, and to have favorites and enemies among her frantic charges, it was strongly suspected she'd a heart of gold. Or of some metal very like it."

The last sentance puts a whole new spin on the "heart of gold" phrase, and you get a glimpse of her true nature.

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