Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Montmorency: Thief, Liar, Gentleman?

by Eleanor Updale

Grade: To Own
Reason: Because of the general atmosphere. I'd love to have a thief book on my shelf. And not "To Re-read" because I didn't love Montmorency, I only liked him.
This book has three sequals, and I'm very glad. Firstly, there's a young, gentlemanly, seemingly fairly nice, ambitious young doctor, plus the main character is a thief turned gentleman. I'd love to be able to write a book like this. And what a cool title!
And thankfully, it was not too "modern". The style was simple, there were no feminist, tomboy love interests, and the gentleman part of things wasn't too...what's the word? Gushy?

Favourite part: When he first becomes a gentleman (I wish there were still gentlemen like that around) and the last part with Lord George Fox-Selwyn and Dr. Farcett.

Least favourite part: I didn't take to Scarper. I think it's the name. Seems "cute" somehow, even though it isn't even remotely.

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