Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Glitch in Sleep

by John Hulme and Michael Wexler

Grade: All right

It started out weird and cool, and ended weird and cool, except I didn't like the Glitch itself. But you wouldn't think the Glitch could, all by itself, put the book from Good to All right, would you? But I think it did, somehow. I'm not really interested in the sequels.


by M. T. Anderson

Grade: Unfinished
Read: The first chapter.

I hated the language he used. I don't care if it was realistic teenager language, it still sounded dumb. So there.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Time of the Ghost

by Diana Wynne Jones

Grade: Good

I did read it very quickly indeed, and it was quite interesting really. Maybe I'll change it from "All right" to "Good"...
Ok, there we go.
After all, Monigan is hugely creepy, the ghost is sadly pathetic, and the sisters had personality, uniqueness, and great sadness as well.

The Fifth Elephant

by Terry Pratchett

Grade: Good

Not my favourite, but good. Lady Margolotta was interesting. And Angua's family was rather brutal. I found her father rather creepy when he forgets how to be human.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And Only to Deceive

by Tasha Alexander

Grade: Unfinished
Read: To page 76

Quite disappointing. The Greek stuff was marvellous, but the main character was that specific kind of feminist who would say such things as, "The butler reached toward me, assuming I would faint. I never faint. Fainting is a result of affectation or too-tight stays; I will succumb to neither". It makes most females look like affected idiots. It annoys me.
And the hero's main quality was that he was handsome. I could have stood the main female character if the hero wasn't totally boring.

Pish Posh

by Ellen Potter

Grade: Good

A very odd little book. Like many modern novels, there's a bit of genre-bending going on, with a mix of adventure and almost spy-thriller stuff, with a tiny bit of fantasy thrown in.
If I bought this, I'd probably put it with Kay-Kay-Bay books. Clara reminds me of KKB, and there's a bunch of thieving going on.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Homeward Bounder

by Diana Wynne Jones

Grade: Good

Again, terribly original.
And rather sad.
That's all I can really think of to say.
I liked Joris.
There. I wrote something.

The Reformed Vampire Support Group

by Catherine Jinks

Grade: All right

Not quite up to the usual Jinks snuff. But I finished it, and it was amusing, and I liked the Catholic priest (who was portrayed very well).

A Tale of Time City

by Diana Wynne Jones

Grade: All right

It was almost Good. I mean, it was Diana Wynne Jones. As usual with her, this world was utterly unique, not even too similar to any of her other books.
But it did end a bit strangely. I often don't quite get her endings, and this was no different.
And I kind of wish Jonathan didn't have really long hair.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Last Olympian

by Rick Riordan

Grade: Good

Didn't quite expect the Last Olympian to be who he/she was. Otherwise not too many surprises.
I loved Nico, as always, and it was great seeing even more of the gods than usual. Hades and Hermes especially.
I'm greatly looking forward to the next Olympian series. There are some cool changes in the way Olympus works now. Should be interesting.
And of course, it was hilarious.

I liked the opening line, always important:
"The end of the world started when a pegasus landed on the hood of my car."

Pg. 188: "I turned toward his army. It was now roughly one hundred and ninety-nine to one. I did the natural thing. I charged them."

Pg. 267, Dionysius is playing a video game:
"He glared at me and momentarily forgot his game. Pac-Man got eaten by the red ghost dude.
'Erre es korakas, Blinky!' Dionysus cursed. 'I will have your soul!'
'Um, he's a video game character,' I said.
'That's no excuse!'"

Pg. 353: "'And the minor gods,' I said. [...] 'Their children shouldn't be ignored. Calypso and the other peaceful Titan-kind should be pardoned too. And Hades--'
'Are you calling me a minor god?' Hades bellowed."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Aunt Maria

by Diana Wynne Jones

Grade: Good

Another good one. This time, the villain was one of the most original villains ever. She was a little, old, teddy-bear-like lady, and was she ever a villain.

Chesterton Alert: Mig recites "Lepanto" for her aunt and friends. She especially loves the lines "The cold queen of England is looking in the glass" and "The last knight of Europe takes weapons from the wall".

The Ogre Downstairs

by Diana Wynne Jones

Grade: Good

Another good Diana Wynne Jones. I think I can almost put her up with Terry Pratchett. Like T.P., I would feel free to buy any of her books without reading it first. They are (almost) always a good, fast, and enjoyable read.

Fire and Hemlock

by Diana Wynne Jones

Grade: To Own

I loved it so much. The romance was sweet, and I suppose that's what made me like it best. I like romances so rarely that when I do like one, I love it very, very much.
But, even besides that, the other characters were unique and interesting, the magic was unique and interesting, and the plot was unique and interesting--for the most part. The end was confusing and I didn't really get it at all.

Chesterton Alert:
Two of the books which Tom sends to Polly are The Man Who Was Thursday and The Napoleon of Notting Hill.