Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Unknown Ajax

by Georgette Heyer

Grade: Unfinished
Read: To page 114, plus some other stuff.

It was almost fact, I'm not sure why I stopped. (Hahaha!! I just began the last one the same way. Not going to change it now though. You're stuck with bad writing skills, whoever's reading this.) Maybe because the brother Richmond didn't turn out as interesting as I thought. Another brother and sister pair would have been perfect!!!
But I actually kind of liked Anthea, she might be one of my favourite heorines. And Hugo was interesting too. It was so promising...sniff...

Here's a cool quote:
"'Sequestration!' suddenly and triumphantly exclaimed Mrs. Darracott. 'That was the word! I thought very likely it would come back to me, for very often things do, and sometimes, which always seems extraordianry to me, in the middle of the night.'"

That is just like me. It always happens to me. But I've never seen it described before.

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