Story summary: It's time to fight the ultimate Epic--the superhero who has caused all the rest of the evil superheroes plaguing the world. But to do that, our group of eclectic freedom fighters first have to confront someone a lot closer to home.
Sequel to Steelheart and Firefight.

- The world-building is super cool and obviously Sanderson's strength (that strange, moving salt city!). This is so much a strength that it totally delights me, even though the characters aren't awesome and I'm almost always more about characters than world.
And Why You Might Not:
- The characters and their dialogue aren't that interesting or well written.
- Some could be disappointed by how everything in the trilogy is wrapped up. I'm still a bit undecided on that myself.
Thoughts: My thoughts for this one aren't that different than for the first two, so I'm just going to make a few point-form notes and sign off:
Non-Spoiler Points
--I so much love how he points out inconsistencies in his world-building that nobody else would. It's gripping because you keep asking "Why's this happening, and what's causing this, and how exactly does it all work?" For the most part, he actually seems to answer these questions. On the other hand, this one more than the others seems like it leaves things up in the air. I'm really bad at noticing and remembering that sort of thing, though, so I'm just going on a vague feeling here.
--I really didn't connect with any characters. Their dialogues basically seemed like movie script with bad catchphrases and one-dimensional traits. I don't know if it's gotten worse, or if the culmination of three books caused it, but it really started to bother me by this book, much more than the previous two. (Don't make this not make you read Sanderson, though! He's so worth it.)
Spoiler Points (rot13 to read)
--V'z bx jvgu abg univat zhpu bs na rkcynangvba sbe Pnynzvgl--ubj ur pnhfrf gur Rcvpf naq jul. Vg jnf rabhtu gung ur jnf n fhcerzryl cbjreshy orvat. V qba'g guvax va erny yvsr gurl jbhyq unir qvfpbirerq zber guna gurl qvq, naq gurer jrer rabhtu uvagf orfvqrf guvf gung V jnf fngvfsvrq. V qb, ubjrire, jvfu jr pbhyq unir tbggra n ovg zber nobhg Pnynzvgl nf n punenpgre. V jnf vagevthrq ol Yneprare, naq jnf qvfnccbvagrq gurer jnf fb yvggyr bs uvz, nsgre uvf fhecevfvatyl rneyl vagebqhpgvba.
--Ohg gung ynfg yvggyr ovg jvgu Boyvgrengvba! Ybirq vg! Fnaqrefba vf fb terng ng gjvfgf yvxr guvf.
Non-Spoiler Points
--I so much love how he points out inconsistencies in his world-building that nobody else would. It's gripping because you keep asking "Why's this happening, and what's causing this, and how exactly does it all work?" For the most part, he actually seems to answer these questions. On the other hand, this one more than the others seems like it leaves things up in the air. I'm really bad at noticing and remembering that sort of thing, though, so I'm just going on a vague feeling here.
--I really didn't connect with any characters. Their dialogues basically seemed like movie script with bad catchphrases and one-dimensional traits. I don't know if it's gotten worse, or if the culmination of three books caused it, but it really started to bother me by this book, much more than the previous two. (Don't make this not make you read Sanderson, though! He's so worth it.)
Spoiler Points (rot13 to read)
--V'z bx jvgu abg univat zhpu bs na rkcynangvba sbe Pnynzvgl--ubj ur pnhfrf gur Rcvpf naq jul. Vg jnf rabhtu gung ur jnf n fhcerzryl cbjreshy orvat. V qba'g guvax va erny yvsr gurl jbhyq unir qvfpbirerq zber guna gurl qvq, naq gurer jrer rabhtu uvagf orfvqrf guvf gung V jnf fngvfsvrq. V qb, ubjrire, jvfu jr pbhyq unir tbggra n ovg zber nobhg Pnynzvgl nf n punenpgre. V jnf vagevthrq ol Yneprare, naq jnf qvfnccbvagrq gurer jnf fb yvggyr bs uvz, nsgre uvf fhecevfvatyl rneyl vagebqhpgvba.
--Ohg gung ynfg yvggyr ovg jvgu Boyvgrengvba! Ybirq vg! Fnaqrefba vf fb terng ng gjvfgf yvxr guvf.
Grade: 3 stars
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- I'm having a hard time thinking of more recommendations. I haven't read anyone quite like Sanderson before. I suppose The Maze Runner might be kind of comparable, being a gripping, movie-like YA book with a world that fascinated me. Difference is that Maze Runner was more simply gripping, while Sanderson's books actually interest me.
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