Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Secret Countess

by Eva Ibbotson

Grade: Good
Reason: I almost had it "All right", but it was better than I expected, and the hero wasn't too bad, and Anna wasn't the usual almost feminist heroine. It was "Romancey" (countess and earl!), but without all lot of things that annoy me terribly.

Favourite parts: I liked the Russian-ness of it. I loved Anna's curtsy when she first met the earl. And I liked the Tom/Susie stuff.

Least favourite parts: I didn't quite like the climax for some reason.

EDIT: Upon giving it to Christina, and upon her loving it, I've decided that I liked it better than I thought. It still isn't "To Own" or anything. Or even "To Re-read", I think. But Anna is the best heroine I've come across in a little while.

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